A drug called HAPPINESS !

Coco Blogs
2 min readNov 23, 2021

Let me first address that we all are drunk on idea of chasing happiness, forever. We experience it one day in one form and then we keep looking for a repeat all our lives.

Forgive me I am again going to diss your social media expectations on this form of syndrome which is EXPECTING HAPPINESS.

Clicked by @melissaaskew via Unsplash
Clicked by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

Happiness is not a location to arrive on that you put it on map and start your car towards it. IT IS THE JOURNEY and like every journey it has moments of highs & lows.

Also, this lust of being happy all time is so misplaced.. why would you want to experience life one dimensional when you can experience full spectrum of emotions. Happiness & Positivity is so glorified now that being sad almost feels like illegal. I am not a lawyer for sadness & depression, all I ask this generation is to slow down and experience LIFE.

If we see someone having a bad day or probably going through hard times we tell them to CHEER UP like their sadness is not normal and is blocking our way ?Why? Instead, we should comfort them saying these are times we all experience and it will pass through while leaving a good learning behind Reassurances are important for humans but not in a way that blocks the person to experience their truth.

Can a person not have a day where they don't have to be dancing on table or a phase where they are not posting sun kissed selfies?

I ask myself often why do I have to put on a smile when I know I have so much work to do, so much to put together and it is overwhelming definitely not making me HAPPY.

Like every other Drug abuse, it has withdrawal symptoms so hold tight and detox slowly. Normalize having NORMAL days, not highs not lows but NORMAL

Life is full of surprises and surprises are not always packed in ribbon & bows. Admitting having a tough day, should not be responded as “ like, you need a drink” or “ go to spa” . Tough days are part of life as much as happy days are.. We all are intoxicated on happy endings and we know many many endings which are real and not necessarily happy but they are life changing too.

TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME and you will be surprised on what life has to offer. Clear your head, cleanse your heart and embrace with no expectations. Easier said? I am practicing this as I write this blog and trust me I am more at peace than ever.

Get over the idea of PERFECT life, it does not exist.

